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How to Become an App Developer

  • App developers serve as the contemporary architects shaping the functionality of the icons on our smartphones. Far beyond mere code whisperers, they are the creative minds behind our digital experiences. Each instance of tapping an app, whether for ordering food, monitoring fitness, or engaging in a game, is orchestrated by the expertise of an app developer.

Computer Science for Application Development

  • In computer science, we study everything related to computational systems and computers. In contrast to computer and electrical engineers, the job of a computer scientist is to deal with software systems and software, which also includes design, development, application, and theory, along with web programming.

the Future of Cross-Platform App Development

  • Flutter is an open-source and free UI (user interface) framework of Google for designing native mobile applications. Introduced in 2017, it permits developers to create mobile applications with just one codebase and programming language. As a result, it becomes faster and simpler to design both Android and iOS apps.

Your full guide to Flutter

  • Flutter is the most recent framework to create a name for itself in the field of mobile app development. Google announced Flutter, a free and open-source mobile UI framework, in May 2017. In a nutshell, it enables you to develop a native mobile application using only one codebase. This means that you can construct two distinct apps using a single programming language and codebase, both for iOS and Android.

What are Hybrid ?

  • Hybrid applications can be defined as applications that run both natively on mobile devices and through browsers on the web. Hybrid applications are extremely popular as they reduce the time taken to develop the application as well as make web applications more effective by allowing them to access various hardware features.

Our Courses

Beginner - data science, AI / ML

AI and ML Course for Beginners

Recorded + Live Lectures

7+ case studies and projects

integrated curriculum: GenAI

Advanced - data science, AI / ML

AI and ML Course for Advanced

Recorded + Live Lectures

7+ case studies and projects

integrated curriculum: GenAI

Advanced - AI Certifications

Gen AI and LLM course for Advanced AI

Recorded + Live Lectures

7+ case studies and projects

integrated curriculum: GenAI